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Our Mission

Our mission is simple, we live by the creed that

“Food Safety is NOT a Point of Competition”

Because it’s not.

If one company has a recall, we all suffer.

Every year food recalls still remain at the same level.

People ask why it keeps happening.

We know the answer.

We don’t share what we learn with others.

That’s a shame.

It’s the only way to grow and reach the next level.

We need to change our approach.

Our Vision

Our vision is trust.

Maintaining trust in our food supply.

Food is more than nourishment, it is family.

We are here to protect that sacred bond.

Our vision is to grow and strengthen that trust in the food supply for us all.

Everyone benefits from food safety.

  • Companies
  • Brands
  • People

We need to trust the food we provide to our families.

Community Guidelines

Please respect the following community guidelines to maintain an enjoyable environment:

  • Keep conversation respectful, without personal attacks
  • Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be
  • No pornography
  • Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming
  • Relax, be yourself, and enjoy

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